Still don’t know what to study at university? We’re going to reveal which skills best fit each branch of knowledge so that you can begin to discover what your true vocation may be.

Before you start evaluating types of studies, you should know that the important thing is to know and evaluate yourself. It will be useless to insist on studying a career that currently has many opportunities or a great demand for professionals if your profile does not meet the requirements of the degree.

On the contrary, most likely you will end up feeling frustration and dissatisfaction with what you do … Don’t you think that something to which you are going to dedicate a large part of your life should bring you more good than bad?

How to get to know you

Although it is important that your surrounding family and friends help you orientate, you need to invest some time in yourself. We recommend that you take a pen and a paper and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is my personality? Sometimes the simplest traits denote important characteristics about what our skills are. Start with simple things, for example: do you like sports? Do you like to socialize or do you consider yourself a very reserved person? Do you think you have a special sensitivity towards art? In this way you will start to find the first clues about your profile.
  • What skills do I have? We all have at least one or two skills in which we excel and they don’t have to be exactly ‘superpowers’. In which subjects do you always get the best marks? Or what are those that you learn with little effort? Do you do any extracurricular activities that you are truly passionate about?
  • What are your values? Although it may not seem like it, your ethical values ​​will also influence your professional development. Think about those professions that best suit your vision of the world, your ethics and your work ‘ambitions’ because you may discover that perhaps the career path you have chosen is not the most suitable for your own ideals.

The areas of knowledge and the profiles with which they relate

Traditionally, five branches of knowledge are distinguished under which most of the degrees are included.

Social and Legal Sciences

Here you will find careers such as ADE, Law, Economics, Teaching, Journalism, etc. The main skills required are: good analytical skills, critical spirit, communication skills, data synthesis …

Arts and Humanities

If you consider yourself a sensitive, imaginative person, with creativity or have qualities for the performing arts, this is your area. The most chosen careers in this branch are Music, Design or Philosophy, but there is a great variety at your disposal.


You love exploring facts and phenomena, analyzing problems, observing, collecting and organizing relevant information, using different methods of analysis, evaluating methods … Then you are made for careers such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and a long etcetera.

Health Sciences

This branch is one of the most vocational. You will need a spirit of sacrifice, a willingness to help, a desire to deal with people and listen to them, constant improvement and learning … Here you will find degrees in Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine …

Engineering and architecture

Do you master mathematics and logical reasoning perfectly? Perhaps you should consider any of the careers such as Architecture or Engineering.

From Academia Guiu we offer all our students a psychology service for academic guidance and study techniques. Our counselors are in charge of explaining in detail the careers in which each student is interested and if they do not have clear ideas, they are accompanied to find their vocation by following the path of what they really like and motivate them.