Guiu Academy joins the E3 Challenge for vulnerable youths

At Academia Guiu there is a long tradition of collaboration with associations and programs for solidarity purposes. Recently, in the month of September, the academy has joined another project to contribute its grain of sand in line with its high social commitment.

We are talking about the RetoE3 promoted by the Fundación Exit: an alliance of companies committed to reducing early school leaving and improving the employability of young people in vulnerable situations.

The mission of Fundación Exit is to reduce the early educational abandonment of young people in situations of social vulnerability through innovative and scalable training projects that make up an itinerary and that provide added value to companies, enhance networking and promote job placement.

The RetoE3 program is committed to promoting joint solutions to enhance the talent of young people and contribute to their professional future, based on three pillars of action:

  • Guarantee an inclusive, equitable and quality education that promotes learning opportunities throughout life.
  • Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
  • Revitalize the World Alliance for Sustainable Development.

These coincide with the sustainable development goals approved by the UN in the 2030 agenda.

In this way, Academia Guiu will play a key role in improving the training and employment situation of young people that has been aggravated by the health crisis, giving visibility to professional opportunities in emerging sectors or less affected by Covid 19, promoting specialization for the recovery of hospitality and commerce and highlighting the talent of employees to accompany and motivate the professionals of the future.