Entering the university is a big step, an important stage change in your life. For some, it is not only a change of habits, but also a change of address, leaving the family home behind and spending a lot of time and space with other university students. It is a stage in which in addition to expanding your training, you will grow as a person. Now the Baccalaureate and Selectivity are left behind and you are facing a new and important experience, make the most of it!

10 tips for a successful and enjoyable entry into college:

  1. Choose your turn well. Evaluate well what you prefer, whether morning or afternoon shift. If it is important for you to be able to sleep in the morning, value the afternoon shift, usually they are smaller groups.
  2. Find out before anything else. Before the first day, stop by the university or campus to get to know all the corners well and find yourself well after: the bar, the library, the study rooms, etc.
  3. Find out about the teachers. University websites have very valuable information. Know the professional trajectory of your tutor or your teachers to be able to feel closer to them.
  4. Meet other college kids. By meeting other students you will begin to weave your network of professional contacts. You will have companions of all ages and origins. Meeting university students who have repeated a subject, who come from other universities or countries will be of great value to you.
  5. Getting used to another rhythm will take time. It will no longer be like in Baccalaureate. The exams and those passed will have another type of requirement. Do not worry if you fail more at the beginning or there are aspects that you do not understand in the new class or subject format.
  6. Organize your time well. Unlike your previous stage, here you will need better management of your time. Plan your week well, take into account the university hours, group work, study or library hours, exhibitions, exams …
  7. Make new friends. Create your group of friends. You have several things in common, among them that you share the same interest in the chosen faculty.
  8. Don’t forget to rest. The university rhythm is more frenetic than the one you had until now. You surely enjoy a lot of parties, but don’t forget to rest.
  9. Integrate in the center. Actively participate in activities organized by your university and take advantage of them to meet other students and teachers.
  10. Be active outside of college too. Manage the stress and anxiety of college by staying active outside of it: practice sports, yoga, enjoy your family, etc.

And remember that if you have difficulties with a specific subject, at Academia Guiu we can help you with our private classes, both online and in our center. In addition, we offer the possibility of studying foreign languages ​​through people trained exclusively for teaching second languages.